
There are many ways you can help the Caring Place. We appreciate any help you can give to support our neighbors in need.


We need volunteers to keep the Caring Place open. Whether you can help every week, deliver food to our shut-in neighbors or stop by for a hour to unload boxes, we’re glad for any help you can provide!

Girl Scouts Helping Stock

The best way to get started is to reach out or look for needs on our Facebook page:


We accept donations on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-11:30am, 12:30-2:00pm. Donations should be brought to the double doors off the parking lot. Let the receptionist know you are bringing a donation to the Caring Place.

We accept:

We have clients who are starting over due to homelessness and other life struggles. So we accept just about anything that “makes a house a home” and that’s in good, clean shape.